Guidelines “Good Agricultural Practices for Family Agriculture”
The basic concepts of GAPs: what are they, why should they be used and how to implement them are covered in this publication.
Food and Agriculture Organization Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean:
Guidance for Industry: Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
This guidance document (“the guide”) addresses microbial food safety hazards and good agricultural and management practices common to the growing, harvesting, washing, sorting, packing, and transporting of most fruits and vegetables sold to consumers in an unprocessed or minimally processed (raw) form. This voluntary, science-based guidance can be used by both domestic and foreign fresh fruit and vegetable producers to help ensure the safety of their produce. United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA):
In a nutshell practicing good agriculture … the vital link … in the food safety chain
This issues provides information on good agricultural practices (GAP) for fresh fruit and vegetable production in an attempt to enhance knowledge, improve farming techniques and contribute to the overall goal of producing high quality and safe food products. It is not intended as a manual to implement GAP. It is intended to introduce and educate all interested readers about food agricultural practices.
Diana Francis, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA):
A Scheme and Training Manual on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) for Fruits and Vegetables
This publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provides good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables during on-farm production and post-production processes resulting in safe agricultural products, ensuring a safe food supply. This publication comprises two volumes: Volume 1 (PDF) documents the entire scheme and Volume 2 (PDF) covers a training package on this scheme. Food Business & Knowledge 2016
GLOBALG.A.P. is a trademark and a set of standards for Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). This webpage provides information on GLOBALG.A.P. standards and the certification process and houses a document centre with other related resources.
G.A.P. in Action Posters (English)
A series of educational posters related to Good Agricultural Practices and COVID-19, hygiene instructions for harvesting, produce handling pest control, integrated pest management, soil and waste management.
GLOBALG.A.P. Document Center
In the Document Center, there are two basic search options: Filter by category OR Search for specific terms. Relevant search options include: Crops for Processing Standard General Rules; Crops for Processing Standard Checklists; Crops for Processing Standard Control Points and Compliance; Produce Handling Assurance General Rules; Produce Handling Assurance Checklists; Produce Handling Assurance Control Points and Compliance Criteria and General Regulations Part 1 – General Requirments.
GAP Manual (Jamaica)
The Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) manual for crops is a set of guidelines aimed at promoting best practices in crop production in Jamaica. GAP Manual (new) (
GAP Manual (Trinidad & Tobago)
Good Agricultural Practices: audit training manual (10th EDF SPS Measures Project)
Audit Training Manual
Code of Hygenic Practice For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CXC 53-2003
This Code covers general hygienic practices from primary production to consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables cultivated for human consumption in order to produce safe and wholesome products, in particular for those intended to be consumed raw.
Codex Alimentarius 2017 –
Code of Practice For Packaging and Transport of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 44-1995)
This code recommends proper packaging and transport of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to maintain produce quality during transportation and marketing. Codex Alimentarius 2017 –
Standards Catalogue for the Agriculture & Other Sectors:
Suriname Bureau of Standards-