
Regulations & Legislations

These Regulations stipulate rules relative to hygiene in the handling of food for the purpose of food business. They set out general requirements relative to hygienic conditions for and hygienic handling of food in a food business and require persons handling food to notify the owner of premises and the medical officer of a disease likely to cause food-born illness. Standards concern construction of premises, ventilation, personal hygiene, use of clean water, storage, etc. The Regulations also impose the requirement of a licence to be obtained for a food business.
This Order declares compulsory standards for the labeling of specified goods including prepackaged foods. It also declares a standard called “Code of Practice for General Principles of Food Hygiene, Part 1: Food Production and Processing” and a standard for the use of lead in paint to protect the environment.
An Act to provide for the quality control of the export of fresh produce, the inspection of fresh produce; the licensing of exporters of fresh produce; registration of packing houses and for related matters.
These Regulations, made under section 50 of the Fresh Produce Export Quality Control Act 2009, implement provisions of the Act with respect to ,among other things: forms for an identification card issued under section 6(2) of the Act, an application for a licence under section 9(2) of the Act, a notice of intention to refuse an application for a licence under section 10(1) of the Act, a licence issued under section 11(2) of the Act, an application for registration of a packing house under section 21(2) of the Act, a certificate of registration, and various other forms; and fees for applications, inspections and registration.

Legislation and regulations relating to food, food safety and food hygiene in Dominica are provided on this page.

State Agencies

This Ministry has a mission to protect and sustainably leverage Dominica’s marine and terrestrial assets, and cultural heritage in a dynamic, social and gender inclusive manner; aimed at enhancing food and nutrition security, contributing to economic growth and improving livelihoods; achieved through a robust policy, legislative framework, enforcement mechanisms and infrastructure and with access to human, financial and technological resources. Some of its services include (but not limited to): application for import permit, phytosanitary certificate and pesticide registration.
The Dominica Bureau of Standards (DBOS) is the National Standards Body as mandated by Standards Act No. 4 of 1999. The Dominica Bureau of Standards develops, establishes, maintains and promotes standards for improving industrial development, industrial efficiency, promoting the health and safety of consumers as well as protecting the environment, food and food products, the quality of life for the citizenry and the facilitation of trade.


The National Centre for Testing Excellence has two main laboratories: the Microbiology Laboratory and the Chemistry Laboratory. Its services inclide: conformance testing, specialized consumer-based testing for chemicals, water, foods, material products and environmental pollution monitoring.
P.O. Box 1015
Tel: +1 767 275 3017
Fax: +1 767 449 9217
E-mail: [email protected]
National Centre of Testing Excellence

The Produce Chemist Unit facilitates agricultural development and diversification by providing technical support in the areas of analytical laboratory services, product development, quality assurance systems and post harvest handling of agricultural products.
It provides laboratory analytical services to the agricultural and manufacturing sectors in the areas of soil, leaf, agricultural products, processed food, animal feed; contributes to the diversification of the agricultural sector by providing technical assistance and training to agro- processors in value added and product development, HACCP and quality assurance; and assists agro-processors diversify their range of products through technical assistance in product development.

2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3271
Fax: (767) 448 7999
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Secretary’s Secretary’s Email: [email protected]
Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security.